56.00.211 | Rinse aid tabs (50pcs)
56.00.211 | Rinse aid tabs (50pcs)
Please call for details.
Active protection and extended product life thanks to highly effective care substances. The cooking cabinet is left hygienically clean and sparkling.

For all SelfCookingCenter models without Efficient CareControl and CombiMaster Plus models
TC logo THERMOTECHNIKA-CROWN COOL KFT. – H1103 Budapest, Kőér u. 3/F.
Tel: (+36 30) 248 8995 •  
Website: http://tchungary.com • E-mail: info@tchungary.com
Opening hours: H-CS: 7:30 - 16:00 óráig, P: 7:30 - 15:00 óráig, szombaton zárva.