WEICORINSE-SV | Tensides rinse aid
WEICORINSE-SV | Tensides rinse aid
Product series
10 kg can packing,  20 kg can packing, 
  • Net price Prices of series of this product might have a different price! 14 783,- HUF
  • Sales price:Prices of series of this product might have a different price! 11 826,- HUF
  • Gross pricePrices of series of this product might have a different price! 15 019,- HUF
WEICORINSE-SV citric acid, tensides rinse aid. Thanks to its gentle effect, it can be applied to all acid-resistant surfaces such as metal, porcelain, glass and plastic, etc. A balanced rinsing agent with a water-repellent effect that ensures smooth, dry surfaces.

The concentration of application is dependent on equipment. Depending on the water's hardness and the time of the flushing program, the automatic dosing options may vary.
TC logo THERMOTECHNIKA-CROWN COOL KFT. – H1103 Budapest, Kőér u. 3/F.
Tel: (+36 30) 248 8995 •  
Website: http://tchungary.com • E-mail: info@tchungary.com
Opening hours: H-CS: 7:30 - 16:00 óráig, P: 7:30 - 15:00 óráig, szombaton zárva.