Arcos | Knife Backpack 9 pcs
Arcos | Knife Backpack 9 pcs
Please call for details.
The Arcos company can safely place, store and transport its cutting tools in high quality knife holders. The backpack is a real novelty, the knife holder bag can be removed from it. There are many handy pockets, and even a tablet holder has been dreamed by designers. The price does not include knives.
TC logo THERMOTECHNIKA-CROWN COOL KFT. – H1103 Budapest, Kőér u. 3/F.
Tel: (+36 30) 248 8995 •  
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Opening hours: H-CS: 7:30 - 16:00 óráig, P: 7:30 - 15:00 óráig, szombaton zárva.