Terms & Conditions

Vásárlási tudnivalók

1. Prices

The prices shown on the website and newsletters are recommended prices for the products and they are for information purposes only. Prices do not include shipping, installation and other incidental expenses, which shall be final if it is after the order confirming the sale. We do not take any responsibility for errors due to human negligence. We apologize for the inconveniences.

2. Specials / Sale / Markdown

In case of products with discounted prices, the price is valid only if we have the item on inventory or until the expiration of the deal. The seller is entitled to change the deadline.

3. Delivery

If the customer demands and orders delivery to the delivery address given by the buyer, the seller deliver the package to the buyer. The shipping cost is paid by the buyer; the amount of it is included in the order confirmation. In case of free shipping specials, the buyer doesn’t have to pay the shipping cost. If a buyer gets an agreed fee, it must be recorded on the confirmation. The specified delivery times apply due to order confirmation, but the seller reserves the right to change. The customer is responsible for the safety of the goods from the moment of the takeover. You can get more information about the free home delivery and other promotions on our website.

4. Payment

In case of ordering, the seller is entitled to request the total purchase price of the goods or deliver the goods after reception. The seller prepares an invoice after the delivery in accordance with the Hungarian law.

You can turn only to the Hungarian Court in case of legal issues related to the purchase.

5. Deadlines

We keep your website-order until 30 days. The deadline of the order confirmation is determined by the seller.

6. Ordering Information

The registration is necessary to complete the order process. The information you provide is kept private and will not be shared with third parties. The buyer has to finalize the order after the order confirmation in writing.

7. Newsletters

If the customer requires getting information about our current promotions, our news by e-mail, the e-mail address will be registered in our database, which can be cancelled any time.

8. The purchase process

Upon completion of the registration, the customer selects the desired items to the site, put them to the virtual shopping cart and click on the basket to modify, delete or add then finalize the order.

After sending the order, the buyer and the seller receive a notification of the arrival of the order by e-mail. From the date of receipt of the order - within 24 hours on working days, in case of non-working days in the first following working day, the seller send a confirmation written by e-mail, the confirmation is valid for 72 hours.

The buyer is obliged confirm the order intention in writing, by email or fax within 72 hours, otherwise your order being canceled. The order, - which was confirmed by the buyer, can be canceled within 72 hours.

A megrendelés beérkezésétől számított - munkanapokon 24 órán belül, munkaszüneti napok esetén a rákövetkező első munkanapon, az eladó a megrendelést e-mailben, írásban visszaigazolja, a visszaigazolás 72 óráig érvényes.

A vevő köteles rendelési szándékát a visszaigazolás alapján írásban, e-mailen vagy faxon 72 órán belül megerősíteni, ellenkező esetben a rendelés érvényét vesztheti. A vevő által már visszaigazolt megrendelés 72 órán belül lemondható.

9. Copyright

Our whole website falls under copyright protection, the use of text and images for commercial purposes can only happen only with the permission of the owner of the website.

10. Accepting terms and conditions

By registering on this site, you agree to the above terms and conditions.



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