DOLIUM | One-way PET kegs

DOLIUM | One-way PET kegs

DOLIUM is 100% recycled (PET) plastic with carbon dioxide pre-stressed barrels (filled with 1.5-2 atmospheres CO2). Their light weight makes it easier to handle and load them.

Dolium plastic barrels are the most popular in Europe. It can be used exactly like steel KEG barrels.
Plastic barrels are available in several sizes:
12.5, 20, 30 liter "A" and "S" type
Also "M" and "G" type are also available on request

Storage up to: 0-35 ° C.

Dolium KEG is available only on pallets.
The following quantities are packed on one pallett:

12.5 liter/75 pieces, 20 liter/55 pieces, 30 liter/44 pieces

Financial benefits
Purchasing a steel KEG barrel is a major investment, and it also means a great deal of additional costs for breweries and distributors. Using a disposable plastic Dolium KEG barrel, shipping costs can be reduced. On one hand, these barrels are smaller than steel counterparts, and on the other hand, their weight remains under steel drums. In addition, only one-way delivery is required, since they do not have to be returned.
The one-time investment cost is also more favorable than steel KEG barrels.
Dolium are one way barrels, so they do not require cleaning or maintenance. This also saves considerable savings for breweries and distributors.

Product details:

  • Volume: 12,5/20/30 liter

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