The digital and analogic controls make the technology of the Serie Maxi extremely intuitive, easy to use for all the operators in the kitchen. The halogen light assures a complete visibility inside the cooking chamber. The cooking chamber is in AISI 304 with rounded corners, for a complete hygiene. The strong stainless steel structure and the selected components make the Serie Maxi safe and highly reliable. The double glass door guarantees a lower external T°, so it reduces the risk of accidents. The automatic washing system Smartwash, (only on digital controls) , enables the perfect cleaning of the chamber after every cooking, avoiding waste of time and simplifying the work. The editable recipes (only on digital controls) assure the repeatability of the results over time. The immediate interchangeability with pastry trays on the ovens 10 GN2/1 allows to cook a complete menu, from the starters to the desserts.
Net price 9 461 991,- HUF
Gross price 12 016 729,- HUF