Dynamic counters

WEGA | Counter with curved glass without aggr.(D)

WEGA | Counter with curved glass without aggr.(D)

Net price 734 594,- HUF

Gross price 932 934,- HUF

Premium product
ZARA2 Self 100 | Self counter with external aggregat

ZARA2 Self 100 | Self counter with external aggregat

Please call for details.

OFELIA | Counter with curved glass without aggr.(D)

OFELIA | Counter with curved glass without aggr.(D)

Net price 985 076,- HUF

Gross price 1 251 047,- HUF

Premium product
ZARA2 100 | Counter with straight glass, external aggr.

ZARA2 100 | Counter with straight glass, external aggr.

Please call for details.

CARMEN | Counter with straight glass without aggr. (D)

CARMEN | Counter with straight glass without aggr. (D)

Net price 1 145 663,- HUF

Gross price 1 454 992,- HUF

CARMEN LS | Counter with straight glass without aggr. (D)

CARMEN LS | Counter with straight glass without aggr. (D)

Net price 1 328 066,- HUF

Gross price 1 686 644,- HUF



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